Hello, loveees! It's Alyssa. Alright, so a huge problem lately is a person's self image. You're ALL beautiful!! Just because you may not be what society thinks is beautiful, doesn't mean you're not. Someone, somewhere in this world will find you absolutely perfect. I know you may look in the mirror, and see a million different things that you hate, but what you hate, someone else will love! The most commonly used words people use when referring to their self image are ugly and fat. Nobody's ugly! NOBODY. Just because you don't have "flawless skin" or hair that looks like a "flowing waterfall", doesn't mean you're not beautiful. Not everyone has a gorgeous face. Only the celebrities do because they use tons of airbrush. But there's definitely something about you that's beautiful. It could be your exquisite drawing skills or your angelic singing voice. There is definitely something beautiful about you. If not your appearance, then something about you on the inside. Having a pretty face isn't the only part of being beautiful. If you're frigid on the inside, then people will forget about your looks and think you're ugly because of your sour attitude. And fat. Fat is not something to really worry about. A number on the scale doesn't determine if you're beautiful or if you're a good person. A number isn't going to do anything for you in life. The most beautiful girls can be a bit overweight. I mean, look at Adele. She's not the skinniest woman out there, and she's gorgeous and has a magnificent voice. Just always remember, your beautiful in your way, cuz you were born this way! Always look at yourself in a positive way. When you're feeling unattractive or down, just take a look in your mirror and point out every beautiful thing about you. Trust me, you're going to notice a lot of nice things about yourself that you normally wouldn't notice. You're beautiful. Don't ever change.
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